Andrea Perrozzi

Singer-songwriter, performer, musician and actor. Born in Rome on August 4, 1972. It’s the Serenante in the successful edition of Rugantino with Enrico Brignano at the Sistine Theatre. Actor in the Musical Pippi Långstrump with artistic supervision by Gigi Proietti, and in the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar with the Compagnia della Rancia, directed by Fabrizio Angelini. Composer of the song Tra tegole e cielo sung by Marco Menichini at the Sanremo Festival 2011. Composer of the soundtrack of the film Young Europe by Matteo Vicino.
In 2012 he was singer and keyboardist of UT – anima Prog of New Trolls, with whom he recorded a live CD UT Live in Milan. In 2003 he wrote and interpreted La voce di Roma, a song dedicated to Alberto Sordi, with whom he won the Gabriella Ferri prize. With the same song he is a guest at Christmas in Rome 2012, at the Fori Imperiali accompanied by the orchestra Sinfonietta, along with great characters such as Ennio Morricone, Enrico Montesano, Simona Marchini, Lorella Cuccarini, Lando Fiorini, and Mario Biondi with whom duet. He accompanied Enrico Brignano on stage in Tutto suo padre, as a singer and actor. He opened Fiorello’s show in September 2012 as a singer at the Palalottomatica in Rome, for Ina Assitalia.
Author of the music and protagonist of the musical comedy Sotto il cielo di Roma, Trasteverini and Incantando Roma with Elisabetta Tulli. Author and protagonist of In due sotto a ‘na finestra directed by Paola Tiziana Cruciani. He took part in television programs such as Domenica in, Maurizio Costanzo Show, Buona Domenica, Colorado Cafè, Notte Mediterranea, as singer and pianist of comedian Dario Bandiera. It opens the concert of Carlos Rumbero leader of Gipsy King and Gigi D’Alessio.

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