Gregor Ferretti

Gregor Ferretti was born on March 22, 1980 in Romagna, where he currently lives.
Graduated in Cinema and Television at the Dams in Bologna, he is a poet, author of texts and music, singer-songwriter student of Mogol and screenwriter.
Gregor began writing at a very young age and published his first poems in the collection La torre e il sogno (Provveditorato agli studi, Ravenna 1998) and later in some national newspapers little more than a teenager.
A few years later, fascinated by the musicality of the word, is interested in the song language and fundamental will be at this stage the meeting with Giulio Rapetti, aka Mogol.
Poetry and song begin to coexist, to blend into his lyrics, but Gregor is not satisfied and begins to compose music and sing his songs.
Just when he begins to sing, stimulated once again by the same Mogol and Lucio Dalla, who come to consensus from the public, critics and mass media.
In 2008/2009 in fact it receives important prizes and national acknowledgments between which the Prize Videoclip Italian – independent section with the videoclip Portuale, song that treats of a fact really happened to the port of Ravenna.
Unexpectedly the song and the videoclip of Portuale get several transition in radio, on national television broadcasts, including an interest by Vincenzo Mollica who points him out as his personal proposal at the opening of the service of TG Note dedicated to the singers of the 60 Festival of Sanremo. Sanremo.
In 2009 he was finalist with the song Portuale at the XX Edition of the Musicultura Festival, a song that is included in the compilation of the twentieth anniversary of the event.
In the summer of the same year he won numerous national events including the Solarolo Song Festival, receiving from Dori Ghezzi, in addition to the Absolute Prize – category unreleased”, also the Critics’ Prize.
In November 2009, during the 13th inauguration ceremony of the Meeting of Independent Labels in Faenza, Gregor received the Mei Prize – best emerging musical talent of the year for being distinguished in the most important Italian musical events.
In March 2010 he published the collection Conflitti Postumi (1998/2008) (Moby Dick Editore, Faenza 2010), the book gets several awards and is warmly welcomed during the presentations in bookstores and concerts.
In the summer of the same year he was a guest for the literary value of his work at the 2010 Lunezia Prize.
In November 2011 he won the prestigious XXII Literary Prize Valle Senio Poesia, with the unpublished poem Nel pugno.
In 2012 he wrote, recorded and published on the album Ci voglio ridere su (Sony BMG/Riservarossa) a small fragment of text, a short poem, at the end of the song Coincidenze for his friend and songwriter Paolo Simoni.
Gregor feels the need to test himself, so, in December 2012, he participates in Area Sanremo with the song La divisione aritmetica being selected among the 40 finalists of the Academy of Sanremo Giovani.
In March 2014 he was included in the anthology I volti delle parole (Editore Fondazione Tito Balestra Onlus, Longiano 2014) along with important exponents of Italian poetry such as Tonino Guerra, Ennio Cavalli, Mariangela Gualtieri, just to name a few.
Only a few months later, in May 2014, Gregor published the second poetic collection Alfabeto della terra e altri canti (Giuliano Ladolfi Editore, Borgomanero 2014), afterword and cover illustration by Alfredo Rapetti Mogol, aka Cheope.
Produced under the refined artistic direction of Maestro Luciano Titi, formerly arranger of Vinicio Capossela (Canzoni a manovella, Il ballo di San Vito) and Franco Califano, thanks to the meeting with PFM and after a course of experimentation on language and speech lasted more than a decade, an itinerant journey that led him to cross poetry, song, script, chasing the flow of images, publishes his debut album La divisione aritmetica, available to the public on the Aereostella label.