Riccardo Storti, rock hiker and direct grower of sound passions, contracted the melomania as a child thanks to the loving care of his father who, not by chance, wanted to call him as his musical idol fixated with Hiris, Nibelunghi and ghost vessels. A teacher by obstinacy (and his students know something about it), he teaches literary subjects at secondary schools and music history at the University of the Third Age.
Among the head shots, the foundation of the Centro Studi per il Progressive Italiano (CSPI) in Genoa in 2002.
He edited graphomania at Aereostella for which he published Codice Zena (2004), Tutti pazzi per Mozart (2007), New Trolls. Dal pesto al sushi (2008), Rock Map. Viaggio in Italia dal 1967 al 1980 (2009), I vangeli di Fabrizio De André – la buona novella compie 40 anni (2009) e Professore e Gentiluomo. Roberto Vecchioni in 100 pagine (2011)