Libro Lambro. I festival giovanili, sogni e utopie di ieri per oggi

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Preface by Mario Capanna

The book, proceeding with a storytelling trend, illustrates the various visual paintings of his story and represents a work of memory that, paraphrasing Alice in Wonderland, works in both directions: not only retraces the themes, the aspects, the illusions and the naivety of an event – the Festival of the Young Proletariat, Lambro Park 1976 – and of an era, but it leads to reflect and gives suggestions for the present, especially to young people who live their contemporaneity with so much uncertainty. No exercise of nostalgia, no condescension to sociological interpretations, but useful conversations to understand our past to set off on new paths.

The book comes from a solicitation of Franz Di Cioccio, who with PFM was one of the protagonists of the event, and Francesco Schianchi, one of the organizers. With the desire to make a contribution to understanding the present and to dreaming of the future.

The preface is signed by Moni Ovadia

Authors: Francesco Schianchi, Franz Di Cioccio

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian

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